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Old 06-29-2005, 06:00 PM
ptmusic ptmusic is offline
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Default Re: Well.....if the Shoe Fits.


Traditionally, scoring political 'points' is the left's first priority and the truth is just a tertiary priority...

[/ QUOTE ]

You are generalizing and unfair. There is no way you can ever prove the "tradition" that the left's "first priority" is to score political points. And even if it were the first priority of some individuals, it is unfair to criticize all of them with such a blanket statement.

Durbin's statements were an opinion, not a fact, it was therefore flawed (in MY opinion) but it could not have been a bald-faced lie.

Kerry could have made a mistake in his recollection about Nixon on the radio, which is different than a lie. He could also have been lying, but my guess is it was a stupid mistake, because obviously someone was going to easily discover the timing problem.

As for the atrocities, when Kerry was young, he was in the difficult position of balancing his duty as a soldier with his personal duty to protest a war he thought was wrong. He made some mistakes, yes. My guess: he saw some atrocities back then; he backtracked later because of all the pressure he was getting from vets. So I think he did make some statements for political gain, but it wasn't the comments he made back then, it was the backtracking he made more recently. In my opinion, therefore, he did not aid and comfort the enemy for political gain, but because he thought what we were doing was wrong.

You completely ignored Kennedy's quagmire statement in your last two posts; I guess you are conceding that you and many conservatives with liberal-bashing agendas were unfair with that criticism.

NONE of the above adds up to some tradition of the left seeking political points while avoiding the truth, that's for sure.

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