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Old 06-29-2005, 05:28 PM
Rob-L Rob-L is offline
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Default Re: About \"Psychology of Poker\" by Alan Schoonmaker

I think you need to take it in the context of the time it was written.

I think at the time many of his points were more true than they are presently. Especially the un-healthy comment. Now there are non-smoking rooms and better chairs but not always.

In general though, I think he was just trying to make a point to think about what you are getting yourself into and that it may not be what you imagined it to be. I think this is an extremely valid point today. A lot of people see the pros on TV and think the life is great. What they don't know is a lot of these guys really had a rough time getting to where they are now, and those rough times are not for the faint-hearted.

It's amazing the mis-conceptions people get from TV. CSI is a classic case. Enrollment in forensic science is up at universities and colleges just from it's popularity on TV. All these people think they'll be working in these cool labs and that is just not the case.

No one should crap on your dreams, but it's good to get warnings to consider all the outcomes, possibilities and pitfalls. Too few make these considerations.
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