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Old 06-29-2005, 09:55 AM
ceramist ceramist is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 8
Default Newbie Limit O8b Questions

A few Questions:

1) What is a reasonable starting bank to sit down at an apprently loose, 0.25/0.5 limit O8b table? I normally sit with 25x big bet at LHE (i.e. $12.50), but I find that I can't make that last on O8b before I start tilting over the massive suckouts and counters late in the hand. *blush*

2) I haven't learned to be comfortable playing high-only hands at the moment. Is Zee's section on High Only in SPFAP going to set me straight, or do I need to open my hand selection even more than what he lists? Any other sources on good high only starting hands?

3) Because the games are loose at this level and everyone is getting massive pot odds (it appears) to stay in the hands to the river, is there an adjustment I can make in evaluating odds to compensate (i.e. you need to be getting at least 2x pot odds)? As of this moment, I'm petrified to draw at anything and generally only feel comfortable when I have the nuts on the flop.

Sorry for long-windedness....

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