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Old 06-29-2005, 04:56 AM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: What if they had a \"tip\" button? (Silly musings, no real content)

It's just some of the little things I notice when I play B&M.

I started playing poker online and probably 99% of my play is still online. So the differences at B&M (including getting ONLY 35 hands an hour or whatever) really stand out to me when playing live.

The first couple times I was at a table where someone asked for a deck-change I thought that a card must have gotten scuffed or something....but then I found out that they were mostly doing it just to try to get the 'cards to run better' or some other such nonsense and I just couldn't believe it.

We were actually wasting time when we could have been playing the freaking hands just because of some bad player's ridiculous superstition.
"I flopped a set....but he got the flush on the river. Deck change please!!"
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