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Old 06-29-2005, 03:59 AM
plaster8 plaster8 is offline
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Default Re: Poker now, education... later

As a journalist (and one often responsible for hiring other journalists), I figured I'd chime in about that end of things.

If journalism interests you, don't let the fact that you aren't going to school stop you from developing into a journalist. You can play poker and still find time to write. Get published. Offer to write for the local paper for free. Get your foot in the door.

I'm not telling you that you shouldn't go to school (I would recommend going, in fact), but when I'm hiring folks, the work they've done is of far greater importance than their schooling. I wouldn't hesitate for a second to hire someone with no college degree -- if they have experience and samples that show they know what they're doing.

So if you have the desire to do both writing and poker, why not do both? They need not be mutually exclusive.
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