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Old 06-28-2005, 09:43 PM
Grease Grease is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Haverford
Posts: 273
Default 3/6 6 max on this forum?

Let's face it guys (and girls):

This forum rocks. You guys are great. There is a lot of great debate here, and while I'm not knocking any other forums, I have a soft spot in my heart for the SS forum. I feel like a lot of us are going to be jumping headfirst into 3/6 6 MAX, I was wondering if people would be down for a little comraderie. I understand if people don't want the forum clogged down with 6 max posts, but PMing or IMing hands to one another would be great, since I'm new to the whole thing and my instruction was calling my friend who is a 2.5/100 5/10 6 max and talking to him for around 10 minutes. I promise not to post any hands unless I get permission and everyone's cool with it. Either way, I would be down for making some sort of discussion group/email group/IM group to discuss this new beast.

This is your forum just as much as it is mine, so I don't want to try to monopolize it or anything, just a thought.

I look foward to your responses.

Please don't be mad GoT.
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