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Old 06-28-2005, 05:50 PM
andyfox andyfox is offline
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Default Re: The left\'s need for more taxes -

"1: If Buffett and the other limo liberals think they taxes are too low why don’t they set an example and pay more?

They really don’t want to but it makes good press."

-Buffett gets plenty of good press. He's widely regarded as an investment genius. Why do you doubt he believes what he says he believes? Wouldn't it be easier for him to take non-liberal, more typically business-oriented positions?

"2: Why do they have to wait for a law? There’s nothing that says you have to take every deduction..

See answer to #1."

Have you seen his tax returns? How do you know he takes every deduction? Hasn't he specifically said that he doesn't?

"3: Instead of setting up charities why don’t they give their money to the government and let it decide the best way to spend it?

Because when it comes down to it, they don’t trust the government anymore with their money than you do with yours; but free press is free press."

-Maybe they don't trust the government any more with their money than with mine, but maybe they have genuinely heartfelt ideas about the policies that they like and they don't like. I have ideas about that, so do you, why shouldn't they? And Buffett doesn't worry about having to get free press.

"4: (slightly off topic) Why is it that most limo liberals like Buffett and Kennedy are against school vouchers yet they sponsor scholarships (poor people need not apply) to elitist universities for the well heeled?

Because they’re Democrats and school vouchers are Republican proposals (this isn’t meant to be insulting – I just don’t see any other justification)."

-Again, why do you assume Buffett and Kennedy are not genuinely opposed to school vouchers? Kennedy, as a prominent Democratic politician, might be expected to oppose any Republican plan, but he did work with the Republican president on the No Child Left Behind plan and, according to the president, he's a devoted supporter of the public schools. He's been in the Senate for a long time, his record is pretty clear on where he stands politically. Buffett is not a politician and we do not know if he votes Democratic or not. Aren't scholarships for those who need financial help? Also, do we know exactly which universities Kennedy and Buffett sponsor and what the details of the scholarships they support entail?
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