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Old 06-28-2005, 04:52 PM
jedi jedi is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 517
Default Re: Ethical thing / best hand not winning at showdown

Ive been in this situation. A nice loud 'HOLD ON' is in order, otherwise its over before you know it.

The guy was shooting an angle, So are the mucked cards still live?

[/ QUOTE ]

No one was shooting an angle here. One guy clearly mucked his cards. End of story. Reading the board is a poker skill as well. If I was the OP, I would have mentioned it after the pot was pushed, "Why did you muck the winning hand?"

True story: My friend and I are playing 3/6 at local B&M. He has Kx, board is K88x8 (3 clubs). He calls a bet on the river. Bettor flashes him 2 clubs and my friend throws his hand away. After the pot is pushed, I ask him "You didn't even have a pair?" He responds, "Yeah, i had a King." "Dude, you just threw away a winning hand." This was a hand he was entitled to showdown because he called the last bet, but because he's a donk and can't read the board threw away the winner.

No one shot an angle here, the guy was just being a donk.
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