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Old 06-28-2005, 12:42 PM
wheelz wheelz is offline
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Default Re: Overaggressive when you sit down (2 questions).

Question 1: I don't think so, because I'll be playing aggressively later too, and I'd rather them get the impression that I'm tight early on so I can steal pots more easily later.

Question 2: I think it might be a good rule, because in general you'd be making a bigger mistake by potentially folding the winning hand in a pot than you would be making a potentially loose river call. Plus if you call down with some marginal hands early on it might help for metagame purposes and you might not get people taking as many shots at you, and by seeing a showdown you otherwise might not have seen you'll be able to get a better idea how they're playing and they won't be as unknown to you. It also seems some players just naturally like to take shots at the new guy at the table for whatever reason, but I don't know that for sure, so I don't think it counts.
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