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Old 06-28-2005, 11:48 AM
SheridanCat SheridanCat is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Chicago
Posts: 86
Default Re: Best preperation for good discipline and focus, and when to stop

We all have those situations where we are way up in a session and then lose some of it back and cashout less of a winner than we should have. However, consider that if you cashout, you'll always wonder whether you could have had an even better session.

The point is, if the game is good and you're beating the table, you should stay. Of course, luck may catch up to you and you lose a little back. Perhaps if you grind it out, you'll lose more and maybe even cashout down for the session.

Whether you stay or go has nothing to do with any addiction. If you want to know the signs of addiction, go to the Gambler's Anonymous website where you'll find them clearly listed.

Focusing on session outcomes is a trap. It's a subtle form of tilt. You may feel you've overcome the big tilters like "bad beats" but these little tilters are pretty insidious too. It's one long poker game, don't worry about today's results.


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