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Old 06-27-2005, 07:14 PM
flafishy flafishy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Broward County, FL
Posts: 33
Default Re: Best lines said/heard after a suckout(low content)

Some guy at one of the forums I frequent (maybe even this one, which I browse more than anything) wrote about some fella, mid-50ish, who went beet red after the poster nailed a river flush to beat his straight or something like that to take a huge pot. Apparently, it was one of those nights for beet-red guy where nothing he hit would stand up. Beet-red guy just screams, "Go crawl back up into your mother's womb and die!!"

The funniest damned tilt line I've ever heard/read.

I like to use a "husband" line on some fool who starts ranting after taking a bad beat. "Boo-fing-hoo. Go cry on your husband's shoulder." "Go ask your husband for more money and reload." Stuff like that. It really gets 'em going.
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