Thread: Tipping
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Old 06-27-2005, 09:18 AM
sekrah sekrah is offline
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Default Tipping

I know there's been a thousand threads on Tipping.. So why not another one.

I just wanted some opinions of my tipping philosophy and a simple response..


A) Cheap Bastard, I hope you burn in hell!
B) Stingy prick, cough up a little more dough there.
C) That's good enough..
D) You'll never making good EV throwing away money like that.
E) Is your name Barry Greenstein?

Okay, now for how much I tip. I play either 2/4 or 3/6 limit at Taj and Borgata.. I will tip $1 for every $25 I win. ($50 pot = $2, $75 = $3, etc), I also tip $1 when the dealer leaves the table. Occaisionally, if I go on a rush and win a couple big pots in a row, I'll throw the dealer a red chip.


Some might consider this too cheap with my money,.. but I'm not there playing cards to support the dealers families.

If somebody wants to throw $2 or $3 everytime they win a $25 pot, that's fine with me.. I don't care what you do with your money. But I get offended from people who get offended about poor tippers.

I think my $1 for every $25 in the pot, and $1 as the dealer is leaving the table (whether I win a pot or not) is a very fair tip.

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