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Old 06-27-2005, 09:17 AM
Aytumious Aytumious is offline
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Default Re: Cart


I have no good reason to believe you are wrong when you say There is no meaning without God.

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My goodness gracious sakes alive, man. Doesn't this suggest something to you?

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What it suggests is that "God gives meaning to the world".

And not that "Necessarily, therefore, God exists".

See, we have no 'promise', from anyone or anything, of receiving a meaning. We have a yearning for meaning, yes. But being hungry does not necessarily mean that food is forthcoming or already served.

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I cannot be the only one here who thinks meaning in ones life comes directly from within each individual. The idea that meaning can somehow be bestowed upon me from some god or that if a god does not grant meaning to my life then existence has no point does not correspond to how I understand meaning. If you imagine the things that bring meaning to your life -- for me, my relationships with friends and family -- what does god have to do with it? Just as it was mentioned earlier how morality can exist without god, meaning can exist without god. The concept of god is quite superfluous.

In another discussion, NotReady argued that without god there is no truth. Does 2+2=4? If suddenly all belief of god was found to be ridiculous, would that equation be any less true? Perhaps the concept of truth is much more an agreed upon mode of thought and communication than many of us care to admit or realize. Again, god is quite irrelevant to the topic.

If you truly consider a topic in a philosophical manner, bringing god into the equation does nothing more than stop what could have otherwise been a fruitful inquiry. The only commandment I see coming from organized religion is "thou shalt not think."
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