Thread: Comic Books
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Old 06-27-2005, 12:55 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Comic Books

Like people were saying, comic books are really cyclical.

I'd watch out with comic book stores or just sales in general. Many will try to buy comics pretty much by the pound, and give you literally like 2 or 3 cents per dollar of their value.

There are comic conventions, too, where you can sell your comics. I've sold some that way, but I'd be careful letting anyone get their grubby mitts on them. Comic dorks aren't necessarily guys who are careful or have their heads together, and all it takes is a fingerprint or small crease to make value plunge.

I have many boxes of comics, too. I really should sell the damn things. I have the first appearance of the new X-Men, but aside from that, most of mine aren't very unusual. Some early issues of The Defenders, etc. Lots of old Superman stuff that doesn't sell as well as the Marvel, etc. Unfortunately, mine is the classic story of a kid whose mom threw away his comic books every chance she got; I could have paid my way through college with some of that treasure(sigh).
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