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Old 06-26-2005, 07:33 PM
soah soah is offline
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Posts: 112
Default Re: weird re-raise hand (play along)

The new and more aggro me bets most (or all?) of my chips on the river because it gives my opponent a chance to make a mistake as long as he doesn't have a monster. I don't know if he'll fold better hands, I don't know if he'll call with worse hands, but I'm pretty damn sure he's not putting me on A9 so I know he has to make a mistake with some certain range of hands, even if I don't know what it is. If I check and he bets, then I really have no fuxoring clue what to do, because he's probably going to take a stab at the pot with any sort of busted hand after I check twice, but I'd also expect him to bet with many hands better than mine.
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