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Old 06-26-2005, 12:14 PM
slamdunkpro slamdunkpro is offline
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Default The left\'s need for more taxes -

This was going on the Howard Dean thread and I thought it warranted it’s own.

Warren Buffett (Ultra super rich limo liberal) has decided that taxes are good and we should all pay more.

Excerpts from article and quotes:

"We hope our taxes continue to rise in the future -- it will mean we are prospering -- but we also hope that the rest of corporate America antes up along with us,"

"Tax breaks for corporations -- and their investors, particularly large ones -- were a major part of the administration's 2002 and 2003 initiatives," Buffett said. "If class warfare is being waged in America, my class is clearly winning."

Last May, Buffett wrote a Washington Post opinion article criticizing a key element of Bush's tax package -- a cut in tax rates on corporate dividends. Buffet urged that any tax cuts should go to lower-income people or others "who both need and will spend the money gained."

First off let’s get one thing straight – the reason that most of the tax cuts go to the upper income groups is because the top 20% of the wage earners pay 78% of the taxes (Congressional Budget Office Report from this year). If you have a tax cut of course it’s going to mostly go to the wealthy since they pay most of the taxes.

So, It’s been said that Buffett has been fighting for higher taxes, he doesn’t use all the deductions available (yeah right like he does his own taxes – I’ll bet he hasn’t even seen a 1040 in 30 years) and on and on and on.

So here’s the challenge for all our Democrat friends out there: Answer the following without resorting to rhetoric, insults or other nonsensical claptrap. I made it multiple choice to make it easier: (Seriously, I would like an answer)

1: If Buffett and the other limo liberals think they taxes are too low why don’t they set an example and pay more?

A: Because I only support the notion of higher taxes for everyone but me.
B. I forgot where my checkbook is
C: My polo pony ate my checkbook
D: I just like to see my name in the New York Times

2: Why do they have to wait for a law? There’s nothing that says you have to take every deduction.

A: Once the law passes there will be an exemption written in it for me and my kind and everyone’s taxes will go up but mine. This will further enslave the lower classes so that we can dominate the country and dictate our way of life to the little people BWAHAHAHAHAH (evil laugh)
B: If I don’t take every deduction, my company shareholders will sell their stock and I’ll only be able to buy one Bentley next year.
C: If I overpay the boys at the Harvard club will call me a chump
D: I get good press by beating up Republicans, The New York Times doesn’t really expect me to actually do anything.

3: Instead of setting up charities why don’t they give their money to the government and let it decide the best way to spend it?

A: The government might do something I don’t like with it.
B: Being a rich liberal means I should be the government
C: Because in all those rube red states those common folk keep electing the wrong people
D: Us rich folk can decide whets best for our money, it’s only the little people who need guidance

4: (slightly off topic) Why is it that most limo liberals like Buffett and Kennedy are against school vouchers yet they sponsor scholarships (poor people need not apply) to elitist universities for the well heeled?

A; If you go to City College you deserve to wait tables
B: My gardener doesn’t have a degree, if it’s good enough for him……
C: “The world needs ditch diggers too” (credit Judge Smails)
D: It’s really just a plot so we can have a winning football season.

Flame on! [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
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