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Old 06-26-2005, 02:48 AM
roy_miami roy_miami is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 104
Default Re: State of the Forum

Most of the hands they post are standard. Or boring. We in SS should be past these types of hands. Those types of hands belong in Micro-Limit. We thrive off the interesting hands where we are calculating our equity or finding value bets and discussing theory and so on. The interesting hands involve marginal situations

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I couldn't disagree with this more. First of all, the different forums were not created for differing skill levels, they were created because the game conditions are different at each level. A beginner that for some reason has a bankroll for $100/$200 isn't going to go post or read the micro forum just because his questions seem boring or standard. The line for a certain hand is going to be vastly different between micro and high limit. So what should he do? Worry that he is boring the regular posters and continue to make mistakes because he doesn't want to inconvenience someone?

Also, I disagree that the close decisions are the interesting ones. Most of these decisions are read dependant. Lets say somebody posts an "interesting" hand and is in a tough spot on the river. If my read is correct this play will yield 0.02 BB per call, its a tough call. If the player is slightly more aggressive than the read then I make 0.12 BB per hand and its an easy call. If he's slightly less aggressive then I lose 0.08BB per hand and should have folded. You can calculate pot odds, range of hands and EV all you want, when it comes down to it its the player read that will make the difference and either way its not going to affect your earn too much. I read these forums to try to find major holes in my game, not read "interesting" hands where the EV is completely dependent on reads. Your AQo post is a good example. Yes many posters old and new may have found the hand uninteresting, but I'm sure more than a few have learned something from that post.

A lot of us are playing 20k hands a month. We've seen it all.

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Even though you may play a lot of hands per month and you have seen it all, if you are making fundamental mistakes like folding on the river in that AQ hand then you are seriously harming your earn. Obviously that situation bothered you or you wouldn't have asked your poker buddy about it. To your surprise, a situation that you thought was very marginal turned out to be very standard. Also, the hand that you thought would be boring and not worthy of posting ended up getting more views and responses than a lot of the "interesting" hands. And as an added bonus, a lot of people learned how to play this very common situation and it will actually make a difference in their earn. I think we need more of the "boring" hands like these. I find the most interesting threads are the ones where somebody might ask about a close river decision, but a decision that seemed standard to him on an earlier street sparks a big discussion. Like the limping KQ UTg+2 thread in mid high a few months ago.

For some reason this thread hogs up my CPU when I try to flatten it. If somebody already addressed this, I apologize as I am unable to view all responses.