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Old 06-25-2005, 03:54 PM
xxxxx xxxxx is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 97
Default Adjustment to loose passive passive passive game.

Ok, I'm on the button with pocket nines. I've seen people limp with pocket tens, pocket jacks and pocket queens. About half the time pocket kings will raise PF and half the time it won't. I saw somebody limp with pocket aces last week; I wouldn't rule it out.

Ok, so I have a good, certainly playable hand, but no confidence that it is best. Should I raise?

Well, I was wondering how do you adjust to a situation like this? If nobody raises with less than pocket kings, why reraise with less than wired aces?

And lots of things people do in this game start to make a certain amount of sense. Limp with any suited. Limp with unsuited connectors. I mean if you are going to get pot odds to chase a gut shot, unsuited connectors can see the flop a lot of times and you'll get implied odds.

OTOH, a big pair at the showdown usually won't win, so why play big cards?

While no book can do justice to all possible poker games, I'm starting to think SSHE is insufficient and there's a book waiting to be written about how to beat SS games that go beyond amateur and border on stupid.
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