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Old 06-25-2005, 12:08 AM
Louie Landale Louie Landale is offline
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Default Re: Hold \'em Variant

Doesn't look much like there's a reason to play drawing hands PF, such as 44 and 87s. You are thus only playing very stong hands. But you do need to play the strong hands since it cheaper than matching the pot.

Buy back in? So you didn't call the raise with TT and the flop is 954 2-flush. Buy back in now? I doubt this hand is going to win 50% of the time since there is certainly some doubt about whether the raiser has a pair (if there was no doubt he didn't you would have played TT to start with). Thus, you need to buy back in only with quite strong hands like accidental 2-pair or some extra value combo draw.

It would be a heck of a bluf to buy back in without something good, since the cost of the bluff (pot plus your bet) is more than the reward (the pot).

Getting in cheaper is not the only reason to actually invest PF, you also gain valuable info if someone DOES buy back in.

- Louie
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