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Old 06-23-2005, 10:18 PM
Greg J Greg J is offline
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Default Re: Will Rove Resign?

1) To repeat, Rove did indeed paint with a very wide brush. But, NEWSFLASH, he's a politician.

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Yes, and as a political move, I think this is smart. Rove has orchestrated this technique before, and it works!

While I do agree that while I think some liberals fit the characterization he described, it probably wasn't that great of a political move, imo.

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I'm not sure I agree.

It worked in 2002 when he he put on a commercial in a GA Senate race that questioned the patriotism of a Veitnam vet that lost 3 limbs, which helped a draft dodger beat him.

It worked in the 2004 Presidential election in general against a decorated war veteran that served two tours on Nam, against a guy accused (rightly or wrongly) of not fulfilling Nat'l Guard obligations.

I'm not trying to dredge up the past so much as point out that questioning the patriotism of the other side is an effective political tactic. I am not sure why it works in such extreme incidents, but it does.

On a side note I will say, in all genuousness, this is scarey to us on the left. It's one reason why there is such vitriol on the left against Rove and Bush -- it seems like a nightmare or an especially scarey Twilight Zone episode.

This is the ultimate play in the playbook for Rove and co. It works EVERY TIME (so far). And it could likely work this time in leading public opinion again.

Then again, perhaps you are right, and he is going to the well once too often. But to quote PT Barnum: "never underestimate the stupidity of the American people." (This probably goes triple for the people of Georgia.)

I honestly don't blame the Republicans for this so much. Rove and co are just being smart, and doing what works. The people eat it up, so why not use it?
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