Thread: Poker Bot
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Old 06-23-2005, 07:52 PM
schneid58 schneid58 is offline
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Default Re: Poker Bot

Im sorry i didnt proof read my post i was wondering why i got the repleays i did... i meant to say im eager to try online poker for real money which i haven't tried yet...not ive been eager to buy a bot lol...sorry for the mis understanding what i was basically trying to figure out is if alot of people have them and if they do if i had a resonable chance of winning or if they were more of just a myth of being out there cause when i searched to see if people could actually by them and the only one i found was by that david glanzen sp?? guy so i guess i was more or less just curious to find out what the chances are i would run accross one of them and if i did run accross one if people can hold there own or if the bot kind of just beats up on people.... sorry about my other post i wasnt trying to say that i was eager to buy one.
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