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Old 06-23-2005, 04:33 PM
DarthIgnurnt DarthIgnurnt is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 131
Default Re: Will Rove Resign?

Of course the anti-war liberals want more soldiers to die. They were pissed off that we took Bagdad as easily as we did. The gleefully count down every casualty.

They play right into the terrorists hands, useful idiots as always.

Of course, there are some that are genuinely afraid for the troops. But the leadership plays on these fears, and every death helps them to undermine our efforts.

[/ QUOTE ]

Beavis, you are aptly named ...

Sadly typical response to a well-reasoned initial post. Liberal = bad/bad = liberal. What a joke.

In the interest of full disclosure, I voted for Reagan twice, and the semi-intelligent Bush twice too. Then came Junior ... as far as I can tell, a cowboy with an extra chromosome.

Rove's statements are ludicrous, and the implications are offensive. History indeed showed that there was bipartisan support for our reaction to 9/11. And to suggest that Democrats are somehow overtly or covertly rooting for the enemy is just dumb.

Sometimes, you have to step outside the boundaries of the world that Rush Limbaugh and Fox News have defined for you and decide for yourself what is right and wrong.
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