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Old 06-23-2005, 09:49 AM
deception5 deception5 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 59
Default Re: Calling from the blinds

A lot of interesting points made here. A few things that stuck out to me after reading the replies.

First, for those who would call J5s but fold 72s with 5 to the flop, is it because you think you'll win if you spike a jack or because your 7-high flush will lose more often than a jack-high flush?

Second, I thought tewall made a very interesting point, that with 3 to the flop that K7o is much better than 34s. I think this is absolutely correct.

Third, Shillx came up with some interesting statistics - did you compute these or do you have a list somewhere?

Thanks all, I think this is a pretty good discussion and it's interesting to see how differently some people play these.
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