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Old 06-23-2005, 04:59 AM
SumZero SumZero is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 73
Default Re: When its *Almost* Appropriate to Laydown KK preflop.

No real read (12th hand), they hadn't done anything crazy in the first 11 hands.

But if I see the following:

P1 raises. P2 flat calls. P3 re-raises a lot. P1 flat calls. P2 now wakes up and re-raises all-in.

Then P2 has acted very suspiciously. Why did they flat call the first raise and only now when there has been a re-raise and a call of that re-raise does he decide to raise all-in? In my mind that is like the limp re-raise all-in move that screams AA, at least at low limit SNG.
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