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Old 06-23-2005, 03:06 AM
MoodyA MoodyA is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 51
Default Re: I told my dad I won $200 in a MTT today, and he yelled at me.

Okay I'm confused.. you say that you can easily make 1k a month playing poker but that you have a 1k bankroll and have taken out another 1k...I would ask...How long have you been playing, 2 months? It seems that you are no where near the amount of play needed to understand your true earnings...not that poker is a bad "hobby" just that I can understand your dad, in that for every person out there making money at this game there must be a fish giving it to him...just from your two statements I think your game needs a lot of work in order to be sure that you are not just "running good"

other than that if your dad don't pay the bills tell him to shove it. and if he does than make enough money playing poker so you can tell him to shove it!

if you can't do either of these than your dad is right

GL at the tables
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