Thread: Gay Marriage
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Old 06-23-2005, 01:17 AM
JackWhite JackWhite is offline
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Posts: 243
Default Re: Gay Marriage

Well... I don't suppose so. (and don't get me wrong, we're ALL bigoted. some of us to more of a degree then others.)

Most of the people who I see debate it seem either bigotted or irrational.

Those who base it on religion are bigotted. And I don't mean this to sound harsh; most religions teach some form of bigotry. The nature of religion does as much; ie, they belief they have the monopoly on what is right/moral and everyone else is wrong regardless of the quality of the arguments.

(and for the record- I can disagree with a person who is religious but respect their dedication to their faith. My problem comes when they want to legislate based on their religion.)

Most of the arguments I see though (like in this thread) I tend to think ARE based in bigotry/homophobia since they use false and irrational premises to justify their prejudices.

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If religious people condemn homosexuality they are bigots. If religous people condemn adultery, are they bigoted against adulterers?

As for the question of people who legislate base on their religion. Are you consistent (always have to find out). If a Congressman opposes the death penalty based on their religious belief (and some do), are you upset if they vote based on that? If a Congressman votes for anti-poverty programs because he believes Jesus would have wanted to take care of the poor, is that wrong? Many sects of Christianity preach non-violence and don't believe in war. If a member of that sect voted against the Iraq war based on his/her religious beliefs, were they wrong to do so?

It seems a bit much to tell someone they have to divorce their religious/moral views from their public policy views.
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