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Old 06-22-2005, 06:56 PM
maddog2030 maddog2030 is offline
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Default Re: I want the forums to be split...

The problem does not stem from too much low-level content vs. too little high-level content but, in my opinion, interesting questions vs. uninteresting (ROI related, very simple push/fold situations) questions.

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Of course asking good questions will generate more "high level" content.

But you don't think the better posters would like it if they didn't have to deal with all the inexperienced posters challenging them all the time? Now, the better posters are nowhere near infallible, but a lot of the times they're making an semi-intelligent point if not a correct one, but have an inexperienced poster replying with complete garbage. And it's understandably frustrating.

I recall Gigabet mentioning he hates posting here because of the inexperienced players replying to his posts, usually with hostility or insinuating that he's an idiot. Paul Phillips has left the WPT/MTT forums because of childish replies (usually stemming, again, from inexperienced posters). Neither ever posted a whole lot, but they were good posters and those were two that came to my mind. I'm sure there are plenty of others who've gone unspoken; you just happen not to see their posts anymore. Did they stop because they lost interest in poker? They thought it was too -EV? Because they were sick of all the crap that's here that they have to weed through?

I'm NOT suggesting that we have a "members only" club for only the elite posters. For one, I'm not invited. Plus this probably would never work and discourages the ongoing building of a community. But I think what would be smart is to direct different types of traffic to different places to manage all this information we have, and encourage the growth of the entire community. Overwhelming amounts of garbage stifles the growth and quality of a community.

To take it to an extreme: Do you think if we made this whole forum one big message board so that everyone would have to wade through thousands of posts to get to one they're interested in, that the quality of posts would decline? Would the best posters still hang around? Why or why not?

In the end, I doubt it would happen anyway. We can't even get a FAQ stickied.
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