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Old 06-22-2005, 06:49 PM
Nacarno Nacarno is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 40
Default Re: Pot odds Preflop in NL Hold\'em

I'm looking at Table XXI in Super/System and if you hold QJo or any connector, then your combined odds of flopping a 2 pair or better is less than 5%. Adding the probability of flopping a flush if you hold suited cards (~1%) we'll be generous and say you have a 6% chance of hitting a favorable flop. Again, being favorable, that's 15-1 odds against. So it would seem that your pot and implied odds need to be better than 15-1 to make a call with a suited connector favorable. When you consider that if connect well with a flop, very few hands (other than overpairs) are probably likely to get deeply committed to pots, and some that do (flopped sets) will have you drawing almost dead or at least have outs) I'm not sure calling is worth it.

Of course, if you're playing against very weak opponents, and the stacks are very deep, it's much easier to get money out of them, but in SNGs that generally isn't the case. Thoughts?
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