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Old 06-22-2005, 06:16 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Gene Kelly vs. Fred Astaire

I dunno. I've frankly never seen him do sustained bits of dancing anywhere near the level of O'Connor. When I've seen Jackson it has been in rapidly cut videos full of short takes. The level of skill needed to look good in a quick cut isn't high at all. The level of skill needed to do full-coverage head to toe shots for extended sequences without cutting takes an entirely different level of athlete.

I'm not saying there's plenty about his dancing skills I may not know, but just saying that I think a lot of the credit for Michael's dancing belongs first with his choreographers, and also very much with the director and editors of his videos. A good team can make almost anyone look like a good dancer or fighter, much less someone with a modicum of talent.
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