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Old 06-22-2005, 03:02 PM
intheflatfield intheflatfield is offline
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Default Re: Experiment with raised pots

I didn't say each and everytime. I said on a uncoordinated flop.

But lets say its uncoordinated flops with no broadway.

in this instance I think always betting out, which I suspect what lot of this board does, is incorrect. In this instance you are representing overpair each and everytime and I think its silly to believe that the typical SSNL opponent will believe you.

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I think you're missing the point. If you raise pf, you are obligated to continue the bet on the flop (unless of course your stumble onto trips, or a monster) in which case checking may be appropriate.

But by checking everytime you miss the flop, you have no idea where you are in the hand and you would be put in a position to have to call a pot-size bet or more, and that is dangerous. Let them make the decision on what you have, not the other way around.
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