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Old 06-21-2005, 01:26 PM
EchoOfThunder EchoOfThunder is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
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Default Re: $200 NL, getting tricky/stupid with suited connectors.

The best way to be paid off is to lead the flop.

Let's assume he's a good player.

Scenario 1: He has AA, KK, QQ

You min check raise him. He calls the 13 more on the flop to get a better read on you and maybe get some help, you bet 50 on the turn, hes gone. He thinks 2 pair, set, his overpair is no good. You make 26 dollars post flop on him (assuming he even calls the check raise). If you check raise to 50, he might fold. If he thought he was good here he would have pushed on this street.

Let's say you lead the flop for 15. He reraises to 45. You then push, he's out. You make 45 off him post flop.

Scenario 2: He has AK diamond, or some other draw like JT on this board.

You check, he bets 13 to semi bluff, you check raise to 26, and now he has 4:1 pot odds for his draw. If youre going to check raise you want to make it higher because of this situation. You have to raise the pot here, make it unprofitable for him to call.

If you lead the flop here with a pot sized bet you make it unprofitable for him to call. Sure you win more money by check raising in this scenario but you cant assume he has a draw and that he will semi bluff with it.

Neither of these lines match what the player did. So I assume he had JJ and you lose this hand. If you had put in a real check raise on the flop then he might have folded his jacks. If you led the flop and he just calls, then he pushes on the turn, well you have to deal with that when it comes. But if you lead the flop, he reraises, then you push, youre definitely ahead at this point. The goal is clearly to get your money in while youre ahead, and the best way to do that is by leading the flop.
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