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Old 06-21-2005, 11:39 AM
eastbay eastbay is offline
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Default Re: Spark Notes on Gigabet\'s Post

It's complete nonsense to say you'd pass on some $EV now for more $EV later. You'd never pass on $EV, ever, because it would be throwing money away, by definition.


[/ QUOTE ]

This is not correct. Counterexample: You have $100 and
Joe offers you $200 to $100 on the flip of a coin. But you
know that tomorrow, Bill will offer $500 for the same gamble,
and if you lose the $100 today, you won't be able to make
tomorrow's bet. You should pass up todays +ev bet for the
better bet tomorrow.

Sklansky has discussion of this in his Tournament Poker for Advanced
Players. But I'm sure you've read this, so your statement
surprises me.


[/ QUOTE ]

All you've done here is offered a new game consisting of a sequence of bets, and then are claiming that a $EV for the first game does not apply to this new, different game. That shouldn't be too surprising.

This doesn't contradict what I said at all, you've just demonstrated one of an infinite number of ways to misapply the concept.

The metagame of being offered the two games in sequence has it's own $EV. You have to apply $EV to the correct game for it to be meaningful.

In any case, I believe the TPFAP examples are chip EV in the first place. I found the book almost laughably elementary so I don't own a copy to check.

Returning to the topic at hand, the effect you're describing of getting better bets later in the tournament is already accounted for in $EV. Your example does not illustrate anything relevant, and it certainly doesn't refute my claim. What you have to understand is that $EV is defined in such a way that my statement can't be anything but entirely correct.

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