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Old 06-20-2005, 06:23 PM
kurto kurto is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Connecticutt
Posts: 41
Default Re: A solution for all the America haters out there

kurto the problem is the loonies hate Bush sooooooo much that they transpose that hate to the american soldier.

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No they don't. Its typical of you loonies to tell others who they hate.

Which gives people the impression that they hate america.

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Not 'people', because that would imply everyone thinks that way as opposed to just some of the dumber people from the right. Partisan propagandists tell the sheep that they hate america to demonize the opposition. Its illogical and stupid. The Rubes in the Republican Party buy it though and start to repeat it endlessly regardless of whether or not there's any truth to it or if it makes any sense.

They believe Bush is evil so his troops must be evil as well.

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As always, its hard to take you seriously. Since I've never heard anyone who dislikes Bush say this. Yet, you hear the more moronic people on the right say this sort of thing all the time. The fact that you buy into this idea says more about you then Democrats.

I don't honestly believe you hate america. You hate Bush so much you instantly have to hate anything assosiated with him.

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No, there have been times I've been okay with some things he's done. Though those times are few and far between. But I don't hate him. I think he's terrible for our country because of his misguided policies.

If anyone cares about their country, and they think someone is bad for it, they'll oppose it. I would argue that I want Bush out BECAUSE I love my country and want it to be better.

But, morons out there will conclude if you oppose policies of the person they like, then you must hate America. So, a good moron test is... if you see 'John Doe' calling others "America Haters", then more then likely John Doe is an idiot.

Bill Maher said it best I think.. something along the lines of " we start off every situation with " I hate Bush" and work from there, even ideas that we(liberals)supported before, we are now against because Bush is for them."

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I'm sure there's some truth to that. Yet these people don't hate America. They hate Bush. You can see the same thing with the way many Republicans despise Hilary. And they have less reason to hate her. People should be judged on the quality of their ideas and how well they get the job done.
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