Thread: proper tipping
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Old 06-18-2005, 06:47 AM
BeerMoney BeerMoney is offline
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Default Re: proper tipping

BeerMoney's thoughts..

I think tipping is sort of a personal thing. Some people like to tip big cause it makes them feel better. It makes them feel like a high roller, or a philanthopist. Others are stingy. They don't feel like sharing their $$ unless they have to. I try not to pay attention to what goes on around me in that sense, and just tip as I see fit.

I do not play in casinos to win a lot of $$. I play more for fun. Because of that, I tend to tip more generously than I would if I was there to make a living I think.

As Carlos said, I see no reason for dealers to be making more than $20/hour. IMHO, dealing is semi-skilled labor and dealers are not irreplacable.

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