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Old 06-17-2005, 08:11 PM
dblgutshot dblgutshot is offline
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The bet is about $200 plus some odd stuff. It is more of a competitive thing than about the money. I suspect part of the bet also is because my friends simply want me to learn the game to play in their league if needed and some kind of bet would be the only way.

The origin of the bet started when I stated a good pool(not pro) player didn't require any special sort of god-given talent, I thought almost anyone could study and be just as good as some pretty good players (not professionals). I compared it to poker and said if I took the same approach to pool as I did for poker (lots of practice/study/thought) I bet I could be pretty successful as well.

Anyways I want to win the bet not so much for the money but to say I could do it.

We are playing 8 ball on those smallish tables you find in bars (coin operated) because that is what my friends play on in their pool league. My friend also just purchased one of these tables and I can practice on it almost any time I want.

I have a few friends willing to coach me for a bit so I will take them up on their offer as well.

I appreciate all of the advice given in this thread.


PS. Had my first short day of practice today. A friend just showed me some pointers and set me up to shoot 1/4 and 1/2 table length straight and angle shots for a few hours. I never enjoyed the game before but now that I see it takes quite some skill to it I think I will enjoy it more (I like competitive games).

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