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Old 06-17-2005, 03:40 PM
Stuey Stuey is offline
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Default If I can\'t recognize good advice for myself can I ever improve?

I am reading a new poker book and the author is new to me and to the poker writing community in general. I like the book and it is really making me think for myself, I think this was his intention.

So I thought about how when I am reading a 2+2 book I never question the validity of the ideas. I trust they are always right. Clearly this is not a good thing.

If I didn't have anyone to tell me, or agree with me, would I be able to recognize good advice from bad?

Can I ever really improve if I can't understand for myself why an idea is true without a doubt?

Good book King Yao, I will need more time, but not the reassurance of others to decide if I agree with all your ideas. I'm going to make up my own mind this time, for a change. But even if I don't end up agreeing with all your ideas you made me think and if I can just do more of that at and away from the table you have helped my game, and I thank you.
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