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Old 06-17-2005, 02:41 PM
kurto kurto is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Connecticutt
Posts: 41
Default Re: How wrong can you idiots be?

Typical of many on the left

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correction: Typical of both sides. How is this different then any BGC post (except that this probably actually mentions more legitimate issues)

politicizing the case

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In what respect? I would argue that he's commenting on issues that the right politicized (ie- the Terry Sciavo case.. the right turned that into a political debate... to comment on the rights actions is not politicizing it.)

constructing strawmen;

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Be specific.

showing hostility and intolerance towards those of the Christian faith;

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I agree his language is inflammatory. That aside, that doesn't mean there are legitimate criticisms against the Christian political force in our country. (for the record, my whole family is Christian but when people criticize 'Christians' in political context, I don't take it to refer to them. There are people who are Christians who aren't engaged in trying to politicize their beliefs.)

and slinging mud at stereotypes for the express purpose of trashing the Republicans.

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I still say... the language is angry and inflammatory. But there are also legitimate criticisms of recent actions by the right.

I don't anyone has actually touched any of the legitimate issues that have made this person angry.
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