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Old 06-17-2005, 06:07 AM
SirArthur SirArthur is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 48
Default Re: Unwise to employ higher level psychology at 200 NL?

Of your 90K hands played at 1/2 NL PS, I've probably played a few thousands of those with you, so I know those games well.

I can actually understand why you thought you were behind in these hands, as the full ring NL games at Stars have turned into Rock gardens, as the loose players have gravitated to the new 6 max tables which appeared about two months ago.

As a result of this, I don't play the full ring games anymore on Stars, as the flop % is around 30, & the average pot size is around $30.

I can't believe how badly your opponents in hand one overplayed their Top pair. This is highly unusual for full ring NL games on at PS, as you know.
I personally don't like the PF slow play of A/A, especially OOP. I would throw in a heft raise here, I find more often than not, someone will call, especially since they have $12 invested already.

Like others have said, in hand one you have so much invested, it's an auto call on his flop 3 bet, unless he's an uber tight regular, who you know wouldn't do this unless he hit his set, then maybe you can get away with a fold here.

Hand two; you couldn't have butchered this one any worse than you did.

Lead out for much more on the flop, especially OOp, & on that draw heavy board.

Seems by his smooth call on your flop bet, he was on a draw (or Slow playing a monster, which is less likely).
The turn check is just as bad, charge him dearly if he's on a draw here.
Remember, button raised it only 4X the BB, into a pot that was limped in by a few players, seems like a position raise to me. Do you really give him credit for A/A, or Q/Q? Either hand he would have likely raised you P/F, or raised your flop bet on that draw heavy board.

As always, my play is never etched in stone, it is totally player dependent. I don't believe you gave your read on your opponents in these hands.

For your original question, should you be employing a higher level of psychology at NL 200, I would say no.

Play your hands ABC at this level, for the most part, and don't fall victim to FPS (fancy play syndrome).

But more importantly, pay attention to your opponents, then trust your reads.
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