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Old 06-17-2005, 12:07 AM
Louie Landale Louie Landale is offline
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Default Re: Small Stack vs. Big Stack

Big stack vrs big stack poker is a lot different than small stack vrs small stack poker. There are plenty of times you may move all in with a small stack but would never bet that much if you have a lot more money. Well, that's also true for the opponents, or it should be.

It DOES matter how much more than you the opponent's have since it affects they way they play their hands. No it doesn't matter if they know they are heads up against you on their first decision, but that's rarely the case.

So you need to get a feel for the way folks adjust their own play when their big stack is at stake, and you can use that information against them when they've already acted before they know its just you and your small stack.

One reason to restrict the buy in is so the inexperienced player who's won a lot of money isn't suddenly at huge risk when a new player sits down.

- Louie
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