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Old 06-16-2005, 11:19 PM
oreogod oreogod is offline
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Default Re: Former Bush Team Member Questions WTC Collapse

Well, I dont know if I buy the whole story per say of the WTC.

But you do know that 2-3 months before 911 the acting head of FBI resigned and took a low job at WTC as head of security in the month leading up to 911, he did die at that site...that and the next head of FBI resigned right around 911.

Intresting stuff...what I am most curious about is the Pentagon thing, I remember reading about that forever ago, and they never did find any plane wrekage there. Weird stuff.

As for conspiracies in general, the goverment did rule that there was more than one shooter at the JFK assasination, and Area 51 does exist (not sure if I buy the whole aliens deal, but it would be intresting to know what the real story behind all the hoopla is).

Im sure Watergate sound conspiracy theory-ish when Nixon was first outed. Either way, whether 911 happened straight up like so, theres a lot of weird [censored] out there in general that the government probably does.

I also know that theres some insane rich guy, who has a 1 million dollar reward out there if u can prove that the WTC collapse was actually because of the damage from the planes. He went to some of the top engineering ppl in the world and they told him, the way those buildings way it happened from the damage that came from the aircraft. Intresting stuff.

Intresting stuff.
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