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Old 06-16-2005, 12:37 AM
steaknshake925 steaknshake925 is offline
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Default Re: 6-max vs 10-max myths?

The most successful 6max players I have watched play don't have anything set in stone, they are fluid (I think this is very important for 6max as the game/player conditions change so quickly) and most of the plays they make are completely opponent based and not cookie cutter.

OK, I take that back, the few 2+2ers I've seen play have a much more book/board approach to the game with dos and don'ts, probably because a lot of them multitable and learned from the forum. The one kid I know from school who hasn't read a book or this board ever is fluid, there are no rules and it is completely player dependent. I try to explain things like limp AKo early with a deep stack and he just laughs at me etc...he has made more money paying 1 table of 2/4 6max than a majority of the board. If I could go back I would learn poker the way he did. He treats it as a people game. Trying to apply rules etc just sets yourself up for disaster....

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i dont think its near "distrastrous" to play by the book and go by a general set of rules. it may hurt you at higher limits (maybe 5/10 and higher) where your opponents are observant and will take advantage of your predictableness, but at mid-low limits you can go ABC and still be pretty succesful. even at higher limits im sure if you practice good table selection a straightforward style can still be successful. of course, even the most basic ABC style should still be player dependent to a degree--just have to use common sense.
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