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Old 06-16-2005, 12:24 AM
Zeno Zeno is offline
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Default Re: The ACLU: Do-Gooders in Action

To be serious, in my opinion, the ACLU probably does more good than harm. Which is not bad for a Do-Gooder organization. But ACLU letters, pamphlets, and other literature are woefully put together and full of such exaggerated hooey, scare tactics, and stretches of logic that I find it insulting. It is on the same level with Republican or Democratic political party propaganda, or just about any other organization of whatever persuasion, that is out to either save the world or get your money – usually both.

The antics of the ACLU are at the same juvenile level as the people they are ‘fighting against’ or in disagreement with. It is all geared and ratcheted up (actually down, in my opinion) depending on how dire the cause is or how little time there is to right all the wrongs or rectified all the draconian agendas of the ‘enemy’. At least on face value, this reeks of hypocrisy.

It is very interesting reading all the political, social/moral, or environmental solicitations I receive. As far as I can recall, I have yet to receive one that presented facts undistorted or in a straightforward manner with reasonable and logical arguments without resorting to ballyhoo, half-truths, exaggeration, scare tactics and other propagandist buffoonery.

If the ACLU wants some of my money, why don’t they try the high road instead of the same low road as ‘the enemy’?

But I don’t expect them to; that would be too civil and liberal minded.

Le Misanthrope
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