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Old 06-15-2005, 11:40 PM
CHiPS CHiPS is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Florida
Posts: 66
Default Re: All these college kids who want to go pro

I think the original post is good advice for college students. If you are in college, finish your degree. The more well rounded you are with your education, the better you will be able to handle any future career, even if it does turn out to be poker.
I do also understand the situation where someone is stuck either working minimum wage or if they truly are a winning player, playing poker. In that case poker has its attractiveness as a full time alternative. But if you are in college don't drop out is my advice.
I would guess that most students that think they could make a living at poker or would enjoy doing that for a living, might not feel the same way after a year or two. Remember there is a lot of luck in this game. Unless you have gone through some serious downswings and come out the other side, you have yet to experience the nature of the game. If you are really good it will surface as you play part time. Give yourself enough time to go through some ups and downs and climb up the learning curve without making an "all in" decision on poker as a career.
A poker player with a college degree under his or her belt can also approach poker with a better frame of mind. If poker does not pan out for you - or the laws change - then you have the degree to fall back on. This helps your state of mind when pursuing the game. If you have dropped out of school to play and it does not work out, you will be back at square 1 again. And the pressure of that possibility may have adverse effects on your game.
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