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Old 06-15-2005, 08:27 PM
paperchamp paperchamp is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 39
Default How do you calculate this?

Sorry if this kind of question gets old but I'd like some help from any of you that are statistic/math geeks. What are the odds that in a 6 handed game two players would be dealt KK and one player would have AA? I just saw this and was trying to crunch the numbers. 220-1 is the odds of getting dealt any pocket pair. However, if someone already has KK wouldn't the odds of someone else getting dealt KK be decreased since there are only 2 kings left? I figure you have to multiply 220 X 220 X ? (? being the chance to be dealt KK when the other 2 kings are out) and then somehow factor in that there are 6 hands dealt. Am I way off?
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