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Old 06-15-2005, 05:39 PM
tytygoodnuts tytygoodnuts is offline
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Default Party Poker software/ internet connection malfunction.

Hi guys, I had a little problem today with PartyPoker while playing a 20+2 NL holdem SnG. We were on the second round of blinds with nine people left when I noticed that as soon as it was someone's turn the box that says "X player has X seconds to act" would pop up and the person would have only like ten seconds to act! Eventually it came around to me in the BB and I had about three seconds to act and I checked. I liked the flop and I wanted to bet. Because I had three seconds to act I imeadiately had to use my timebank. I got one caller. On the turn I was first to act, but I found I had no player options! I sat there stuned for 20 seconds and it checked me. The other player bet and when it came back to me I still did not have any options, just a blank screen under the table like it wasn't my turn. It folded me after twenty seconds.
Has this ever happened to anyone else? Does anyone know what the culprit might be? Like maybe my internet conection or is something wrong with the Party server? I did contact Party support and they said something about my temporary memory being full. Any help is appreciated!
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