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Old 06-15-2005, 11:29 AM
jaydub jaydub is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 12
Default Re: Characteristics of winning/losing play.

Since no one has bothered to submit a cogent argument for why it is preferable for experienced players to play SSNL cash games with very large (deep) stacks, I thought I would take the time.

As stacks get larger, certain skills become more valuable. It is a given that there are going to be players with deep stacks at your table, here are the skills you can use against them when you have an equally deep stack and why you are better able to utilize them than when you have a short stack.

One is the ability to get away from hands when you are obviously beaten. The first thing that jumped to my mind was the way mediocre players refuse to fold hands like TPTK or an overpair. They become married to their hand and refuse to fold despite a very inhospitable board texture. This tendency is bad no matter how short the stacks are, but being married to AA with 400BB is far worse than with 100BB. The extra stack depth makes it easier for skilled players to get away from hands. It's no longer pot the flop, pot the turn, oops I'm pot committed, may as well just push.

Second is the flip side of #1. It's the ability to extract the maximum amount of money from an opponent who is behind, often way behind. There is a definite skill in betting amounts that give your opponent(s) poor odds to draw out on you while at the same time not scaring them out of the pot. As your stacks get larger, this gets more valuable as the river will not necessarily have you both (all) pot committed.

Third is our old friend implied odds. Smart, deep players will fleece mediocre, deep players because they can read hands and know that even without current pot odds, some hands are worth drawing to because when you hit, you will take the other deep stack(s). With a short stack, you cannot reap the full benefit of the implied odds.

There are more reasons, and many sub elements (board texture!), but those are three that immediately came to mind.
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