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Old 06-15-2005, 10:02 AM
kurosh kurosh is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 341
Default I think playing against mulittabling TAGs is easier than vs LAGs

Why? Because I know exactly what they're thinking.

I know they're looking at my PT stats and seeing I'm a tight raiser, so I 3-bet them liberally. I know they view me as a decent TAG as well, so when I raise them on the turn on an A-high board, they will fold their QQ.

I know when they bet into me on a 4-flush board, half the time they're going to fold when I raise.

I have a very good idea what their hand is whenever they raise PF. It's not like vs a LAG where they could have any two suited or some garbage, much much easier to play against.

I know they don't bluff very often because that's not the traditional TAG way.

There are more reasons, but none that come to mind right now. I have a much easier time vs TAGs than LAGs. Thoughts?
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