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Old 06-14-2005, 11:47 PM
BZ_Zorro BZ_Zorro is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: $100 NL
Posts: 612
Default Characteristics of winning/losing play.

Some one was asking about win rates before, I want to know what you guys think. These are my results for $100NL over 14K hands.

During my winning period I was 2-tabling only, taking notes constantly, playing very tight/weak, not committing my stack without a huge hand. I set a goal to make a profit(no matter how small) at every table I sat at, or lose the minimum to blinds/a few limps if I didn't get a hand. When I got a big stack, I left soon after or played super tight. I never got involved in big pots with unknowns, and the only big losses were bad beats. It runs out to be about $1200/6000 hands, or about $20/100.

Since I went on tilt at about 6K, I've been lazily three tabling, raising far more to get PT stats up, with a few tilt sessions. I'm no longer making it imperative that I make a profit/lose the minimum on every table. I'm no longer obsessively watching play and note taking (it's impossible with three tables).

I think it's fairly clear looking at this that stacking other players with big hands happens fairly regularly no matter what you do. It's how much you bleed your stack in between that determines your win rate, and at $100NL that's determined in great part by how well you read the game and how weak tight you play.

Is this accurate?
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