Thread: Peak oil
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Old 06-14-2005, 10:07 PM
imported_bingobazza imported_bingobazza is offline
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Default Re: Peak oil

ok, Im not here to say I am for or against this oil thing...I hope it never happens. All Im saying is that it is real, based on the facts that western governments, scientists and the oil companies freely admit and are now openly discussing. In the interests of a reasonable debate about this, here are a few links to some articles that may enlighten some of you to the true state of play. Also, do not overestimate how much global oil production is used in private transportation....its a small fraction compared to agribusiness, plastics, shipping, the chemicals and computer industry, air conditioning, heating, power generation, construction and manufacturing of every kind.
This is US Congresman Bartlet talking last month about what peak oil is and its implications.

Eventually it will be good, as our children will depend on clean an renewable resources...but we will live in a very different world until other methods takes up the slack, if they ever do.

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