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Old 06-14-2005, 12:04 AM
celiboy celiboy is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 32
Default Is it safe to say I am a loosing player?

Started playing seriously June 1 at .5/1 and my stats are as follows:

Losses - $65
Sessions - 10 of which 2 winning, 7 loosing and 1 even
Hands - approx 3500 (no pokertracker, tracked manually)
BB/100 - -1.89 (I think my math is right)

Luckily with bonus whoring I am actually up around $60.

Is it too early to tell if I'm a loosing player? I can generally point to one or two hands per night where I am costing myself $3 or $4 each by making marginal plays. So far I am finding that 95% of my decisions are fairly easy and it's the other 5% that make someone a good player. I am very tight as I am seeing 24% of the flops as per my site's internal stat tracker so I am definetly not too loose.

I am 2 tabling but don't feel this is costing me anything as I am usually bored and I can clear bonuses twice as fast. My goal was to play break even poker and make around $200 per month whoring. So far the whoring is on track but the break even poker has yet to happen.

I guess my question is whether or not I should consider myself a looser at this time. I will not drop to .25/.5 simply because it is impossible to clear a bonus at that level. I am still making money due to bonuses.

Another thing I'd like to mention is that I play on Absolute and generally the players appear to be much better than your average Party fish. Flops seen generally are about 35%. I am confident that my win rate would be higher at virtually any other site on the net as AP has a reputation as being a rock fest due to the bonuswhores.
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